Dothan Piggly Wiggly (PW) (+10%)click here to find PW weekly Facebook Coupon!
3# bag of onions for .98
White Mushrooms 1.22/ 8 oz.
8# bag Potatoes 1.97
Red Seedless Grapes .98/lb
3# bag Tangerines 1.95
4# bag Oranges or Tangelos 1.95
1# bag of baby carrots
18 ct. Med eggs 1.50
PW Butter 2.47/lb
Butterball Turkey Bacon 1.95
Fryer Breast with back .68/lb
Fresh Made Ground Chuck 1.65
Fresh Oysters 31.95/ 60 lbs
Self-Basting Turkeys .87/lb
Rotel Diced Tomatoes .96 ea (.88 at Walmart last week tho)
White Lily Plain or Self-Rising Flour 1.98/ 5 lb
Sweet Sue Chicken Stock .48/ 14.5 oz
Food Depot +10% (Cherokee IGA)
3# bag yellow onions .99
Seedless Icebox Watermelons .99 ea
3# FL Tangerines 1.69 ea.
Turkey Breast 1.39/lb
Fresh Fryer Chicken Breast .69/lb
Boneless Skinless Chicken Breast 1.39/lb
5# Pillsbury Cake Mixes .88
28 oz Del Monte Spaghetti Sauce .78
Flavorite Mayo 1.39/ 30 oz.
Kraft B-que sauce .69/ 18 oz.
5# Flavorite Flour 1.58
Dole Orange Juice 2.50/ 64 oz
Shur Valu (Porter Square)
8# Russet Potatoes 1.99
Celery .88 each
Green Cabbage .29/lb
40 # box Split Chicken Breast 37.99
Ground Beef 1.79
Hen Turkeys .89/lb
Publix Young Turkey .59/ lb
Fresh Chilled BBQ Rotisserie Chicken 4.99
Winn Dixie
Grade A Turkeys .79/lb
Butterball Turkeys .99/lb
For a complete sale listing of Publix and Winn Dixie check out
The Headland prices may not always be the lowest or best price, but if is a good "local price" I will post it...even if you could get it cheaper in Dothan...sometimes it is just not worth the gas money....
Hometown Food Center (Headland on 431)
5# bag pink grapefruit 3.48
3# bag yellow onions 1.28
4# bag Tangelos 2.35
4# bag navel oranges 2.35
Shurfine Butter Quarters 2.75/lb
Shurfine Turkeys .75/lb
Split Chicken Breast 1.25/lb
Pillsbury Cake Mixes .95 each
Martha White Flour $2/ 5# bagsShurfresh Cream Cheese 1.25/ 8 oz.
Nabisco Ritz Crackers 2.35 (14-16oz box) casseroles and cookies
Headland Piggly Wiggly
Sweet Potatoes .59/lb
Green Cabbage .39/lb
4# bag Red Potatoes 1.49
PW milk $3.29/ gal
PW Butter 2.69/lb
Split Bone-in fryer breast .99/lb
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